Annual General Meetings (AGM)
Our AGM is chance for our communities to hear more about our strategies and initiatives from of our Board of Directors, Governors, and key care teams.
We publish the full agenda and how you can attend ahead of each meeting.
AGM 2024
The date for our 2024 meeting will be confirmed soon.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our virtual AGM on 23 September.
Read the agenda for the day (pdf)
Read questions and answers from the day (pdf)
For the first time, it was streamed online. You can watch the recording below, or on our YouTube channel.
We went virtual to help keep our staff and the public safe by following the national guidelines on social distancing.
Our AGM was opened by our Chair, Martin Earwicker, followed by an update from our Lead Governor, Paul Myerscough.
Julian Emms, our Chief Executive, and Alex Gild, our Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer then gave updates on how we’ve performed over the year, and how we’ve managed the COVID-19 pandemic.
There was also an opportunity to ask questions through our live Q&A chat function. Julian Emms, Chief Executive, and Jane Nicholson, Interim Director of People, answered some of your questions.
Watch our AGM 2020 video on our YouTube channel (opens new browser tab)
Nathalie Zacharias, our Deputy Director of Allied Health Professions, introduced a wonderful video about our ‘Queen’s Award’ Volunteer service, which was then followed by a presentation on our advancement in digital technologies by Mark Davison, Chief Information Officer.
Our AGM for 2021 took place on Wednesday 22 September. You can watch a recording of it below, or on our YouTube channel.
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) was opened by our Chair, Martin Earwicker, followed by an update on the work of the governors. Julian Emms, our Chief Executive, and Paul Gray, our Acting Chief Financial Officer then gave updates on how we've performed over the year, and any future plans.
Lisa Rowson, Specialist Occupational Therapist In Neurology, gave a presentation on how the Neuro-rehabilitation services are adapting to change and empowering patients, and Louise Noble, Head of Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), spoke about developing an alternative to inpatient care for CAMHS.
There was also an opportunity to ask questions through our live Q&A chat function. Thank you to everyone who attended.
Watch our AGM 2021 recording on our YouTube channel (opens new browser tab)
Our 2023 meeting took place on Wednesday 27 September, 2pm to 3.15pm.
The meeting began with a welcome by our Chair, Martin Earwicker, followed by a presentation from our Lead Governor, Brian Wilson, on the work of the governors. Julian Emms, our Chief Executive, gave a presentation on key updates from the Trust and Paul Gray, our Chief Financial Officer, presented the Trust’s financial review from the past year.
Attendees then heard presentations from the Let's Connect Wellbeing Network, and the Early Years Speech and Language Therapy Team who spoke about ‘Building Language in Berkshire’.
The Let’s Connect Wellbeing Network
The Let’s Connect Wellbeing Network is our social network to support wellbeing. It provides support by helping individuals connect with others, organisations, services, and opportunities in the community. The presentation outlined the ways in which the network serves as a bridge between the Trust and the community.
Building Language in Berkshire
The Early Years Speech and Language Therapy Team shared their journey behind the online early communication development workshops. The presentation focused on why the workshops were created, the impact it has on the service users, and what has been learnt so far.
Watch our AGM 2023 on our YouTube channel (new browser tab)