We're Smokefree
We’re proud to be a smoke free organisation. We’re asking all patients, staff and visitors not to smoke while they’re visiting our services or sites and, in the long run, encouraging them to quit altogether. This also means not bringing tobacco, tobacco products or paraphernalia onto our sites.
We can support you to reduce or stop smoking while in the care of our mental health inpatient services. This includes giving you free access to nicotine replacement treatment (NRT) or vaping, and to help you quit.
We also work with SmokeFreeLife Berkshire, a local service that helps people stop smoking.
The effects of smoking
Smoking is the greatest factor in causing preventable illness and early death in both physical and mental health and it contributes to high local death rates from both cancer and cardiovascular disease.
The chemicals in tobacco smoke also interact with some medicines, including insulin, anti-psychotics warfarin and some anti-depressants, which can affect how your body processes them. You can read more in our Medicines and Smoking leaflet.
Read our Medicines and Smoking leaflet (pdf)
How to stop smoking
You can find lots of local support to help you stop smoking. Find out more about quitting with Smoke Free Life Berkshire:
- Call 0800 622 6360
- Text QUIT to 66777
- Visit the SmokeFreeLife Berkshire website (new browser tab)
If you live and work in Slough, contact the Health and Wellbeing stop smoking team:
- Call 0800 061 4734 or 01753 373 646
- Visit the Health and Wellbeing Slough Website (new browser tab)
The NHS website has lots more free resources including the NHS Quit Smoking App and an NHS personalised Quit Plan
Visit NHS website to read more about quitting smoking (new browser tab)
You can also speak to a GP, who can provide personalised advice tailored to factors such as age or health conditions. They can also provide NRT to help you quit.
Vaping in our inpatient mental health services
Vaping can help you quit smoking and is up to 95% less harmful than smoking. As an inpatient at Prospect Park Hospital, vaping is permitted indoors in designated areas like bedrooms, gardens and courtyards, or when on section 17 leave.
You can bring your own preferred vape, which will be safety tested and assessed before use.
As a smoker, you’ll be offered free NRT and support from our Tobacco Dependence Advisor during your admission.
We can provide you with one free vape, and then you’ll be asked to purchase your own.
See our top 10 tips to help you succeed in quitting smoking (new browser tab)