Integrated Care Systems in Berkshire
Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) bring together organisations (such as the NHS, local authorities, voluntary organisations, social enterprise sector and residents) to plan and deliver joined up health and wellbeing services.
Within an ICS, there are Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs) linking these partners across each local area, and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) who amongst other things manage the NHS budget for health services.
Visit NHS England website for more about ICS (opens new browser tab)
You can also visit the King’s Fund website for an in depth look at how ICS work across the UK.
Visit King's Fund website to see how ICS work (opens new browser tab)
We sit across two integrated care systems – Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West – known as ‘BOB’, and the Frimley Health and Care system, covering east Berkshire.
Visit the BOB website (opens new browser tab)
Visit the Frimley Health and Care system website (opens new browser tab)
You can find the full Frimley ICS 2023/24 - 2027/28 Joint Forward Plan (pdf) on the NHS Frimley website
Visit the Priorities page on the NHS Frimley website (opens new browser tab)